Creating a sustainable tomorrow for our planet, our customers, our people and our communities

We think beyond today to create the innovative solutions that will shape the future for everyone, delivering products and services that help our customers make their industrial processes safer, more efficient and more sustainable. In turn, we provide our employees with a safe workplace where they are recognised, developed and properly rewarded.

Find out how our solutions are supporting our customers’ journey to net zero


As well as contributing to sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy saving is of increasing importance to foundries with regard to saving costs and improving foundry competitiveness. Foseco has developed a range of energy saving solutions to help foundries to reduce the use of unnecessary energy throughout the foundry.

Find out more about our solutions for energy efficient casting

Vesuvius sustainability strategy and objectives

The key objectives and priorities of our Sustainability initiative are outlined here. They were defined following the identification and analysis of the Group’s most important and material sustainability risks and opportunities.

Our planet

  • To tackle climate change by reducing our CO2 emissions and helping our customers reduce theirs with our products and services. We are committed to reaching a net zero carbon footprint at the latest by 2050.
  • To engage in the circular economy by reducing our waste, recovering more of our products after they have been used and increasing the usage of recycled materials.

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Our customers

  • To support our customers’ efforts to improve safety on the shop floor, especially exposure to hot metal.
  • To help customers improve their operational performance and thereby reduce their environmental footprint, and especially their CO2 emissions.

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Our people

  • To ensure the safety of our people and everyone else who accesses our sites. This is our first priority. We take safety very seriously and are constantly striving to improve.
  • To offer growth opportunities to all our employees through training and career progression to develop diverse, engaged and high-performing teams.

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Our communities

  • To support the communities in which we operate, with a focus on promoting and supporting women’s education in scientific fields.
  • To ensure ethical business conduct both internally and with our trading partners.
  • To extend our sustainability commitment to our suppliers and encourage them to progress.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Vesuvius has identified the practices within its operations that can directly or indirectly contribute to the SDGs. We will focus our efforts on the following seven SDGs – four priority goals and three supporting goals – which are particularly relevant to our business and where we believe we can make the most meaningful contribution.

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United Nations Global Compact

In October 2020, Vesuvius became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. We have committed to base our business approach on its ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption, and to engage in activities which advance the development of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Go to United Nations Global Compact website


Find out more about our sustainability ambition & strategy at a group level at


A wealth of case studies can be found here: