Advanced metal treatment for non ferrous and ferrous alloys

Improve foundry performance with superior melt treatment

Melt treatment is a critical step in ensuring high quality castings in foundries. Achieving optimum melt characteristics requires control of the metal's composition, temperature, purity and hydrogen content. Advanced grain refining and modification processes further enhance the quality of the melt.


Economic and environmental considerations

In today's marketplace, the economics of foundries have become increasingly important. High raw material and energy costs require strategies to minimise metal content in dross. In addition, the life of refractory or crucible materials in contact with fluxes is a key consideration. Our chemical product development is focused on addressing these challenges and providing solutions that improve both economic and environmental performance.


Comprehensive ferrous metal treatment solutions

Our complete package of consumables and equipment is designed to produce clean, reproducible metal quality and uniform microstructure. These products offer significant benefits in terms of safety, health, environmental impact, automation, process control and productivity.


Explore our range of advanced metal treatment solutions to optimise your foundry's performance and achieve superior casting quality. Contact us today for further information.

Non ferrous metal treatment

Products for chemical melt treatment of aluminium alloys
Minimising metal loss is paramount in aluminium foundries. Our range of fluxes is designed to reduce environmental emissions, particularly toxic emissions, thereby promoting a cleaner production process. Given the variety of castings and furnace technologies, we offer a wide range of fluxes to meet different needs.
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Equipment and consumables for non ferrous melt treatment
We are committed to improving the efficiency of melt treatment through the continuous development of innovative equipment and services. Our solutions deliver metallurgical, environmental, health and safety and economic benefits to ensure foundries operate at peak efficiency.
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Ferrous metal treatment

Metal treatment products for ferrous alloys
In order to achieve the desired mechanical properties in iron castings, the liquid iron must have the correct composition and it must also contain suitable nuclei to induce the correct graphite structure to form on solidification.
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Equipment for ferrous metal treatment
Foseco is continually developing new and improved equipment and services to boost metal treatment efficiency and effectiveness and provide foundries with metallurgical, environmental, health and safety and economical benefits.
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