KALBORD flexible insulating boards

Boards, lids and powders

KALBORD flexible insulating boards

KALBORD flexible insulating boards are ideal for use as insulating feeders for very large iron and steel castings, especially for feeders with diameters in excess of 500mm. KALBORD flexible insulating boards prevent an early skin formation in the feeder and the metal surface in the feeder shows a uniform flat sinking. Supplied in mat form for on-site assembly, KALBORD feeders overcome the problems of stock control and storage of very large sleeves.

KAPEX lids

KAPEX lids are a range of insulating and exothermic preformed lids suitable for application to KALMIN and KALMINEX open feeders. On application, an exothermic reaction causes the KAPEX lid to expand by as much as 200%, producing a highly insulating cover layer. They ensure optimum feeding for all grades of iron and steel and have a number of advantages over traditional powdered covers:

  • Dust free and very low fume
  • Uniform insulation across the whole feeder surface
  • Elimination of human error
  • Provides protection for the mould cavity between moulding and pouring

Anti-piping compounds

FERRUX anti-piping compounds are a range of lowfume, low-dust, free-flowing exothermic powders designed for application to the top surface of open feeders to minimise heat loss. Suitable for both iron and steel risers, FERRUX improves feeder performance and minimises skull formation.

FEEDOL is a exothermic covering powder for light- and heavy alloys. Due to their exothermic reaction and strong insulating residue after ignition FEEDOL covering powders prevent a premature solidification of the feeder surface.
