Advanced chemical melt treatment products for aluminium alloys

  • No dust
  • Low addition rates
  • Easily applied
  • Low fume
  • All alloys and furnaces
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Cost effective treatment

Fluxes for drossing, covering and cleaning aluminium alloys

COVERAL fluxes are suitable for covering, cleaning and drossing applications in aluminium foundries. They reduce oxide formation and build-up on furnace walls, help to remove non-metallics from the melt, reduce the aluminium content of dross and facilitate removal of dross. Fluxes are supplied in granular or powder form. A wide range of fluxes are available in powder and granular form for manual or FDU application. Granular products are dust free and more effective than powder fluxes, allowing addition rates to be reduced. COVERAL FREE are sodium free and COVERAL PURE are sodium and calcium free recipies. COVERAL ECO fluxes produce dry ash-like dross that is easily separated from the liquid metal and have been specially developed to be environmentally friendly.

Cleaning and drossing fluxes

Cleaning fluxes are designed to remove non-metallics from the melt by trapping the oxides particles as they float out. 

Covering and drossing fluxes are used to form a molten layer to protect the melt from oxidation and hydrogen pick-up. They agglomerate the oxides and non-metallic materials from the melt, cleaning the melt and forming a good metal-free dross which can easily be removed.

Remelting fluxes

COVERAL 912 is a covering and drossing flux especially developed for remelting of heavily contaminated and small sized scrap.

Challenges for high-pressure die casting (HPDC) foundries

The high-pressure die casting (HPDC) market is evolving as auto makers increase both the amount and complexity of aluminium parts involved vehicle production. The change brings new opportunities for HPDC foundries – but also new challenges. Foundry consumable suppliers such as Foseco have a key role in helping their customers overcome these issues and take advantage of the next stage in HPDC evolution. In this white paper, we discuss: 

  • Current trends in HPDC including lightweighting and megacasting
  • The challenges posed by these trends
  • How we are supporting foundries take the next steps in HPDC

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Grain refiners for aluminium alloys

NUCLEANT 1582 is a sodium free grain refining flux, specially developed to be used with the Foseco Melt Treatment Station (MTS 1500).

TIBORAL 6 is a grain refiner based on titanium - boron, which releases fine dispersed highly efficient nuclei directly in the melt. It is applicable for aluminium and aluminium alloys except eutectic and hyper- eutectic alloys.

NUCLEANT 70 is a sodium free grain refining tablet suitable for aluminium and aluminium alloys.  NUCLEANT 70 SS is a self sinking version that requires no plunging.

ELDUCTAL 90 S is a titanium free grain refining tablet and is particularly recommended for high-conductivity aluminium where the presence of titanium has a deleterious effect on electrical conductivity.

Modifiers for aluminium alloys

Sodium releasing fluxes

SIMODAL sodium modifying fluxes in powder and granular form for a range of application temperatures.


SIMODAL tablets are available for standard application and for use in combination with an FDU. For long term modification, products from the COVERAL PERMA range should be used.

Metallic Sodium

NAVAC is metallic sodium, sealed in an airtight aluminium can, used for the modification of aluminium silicon alloys.

Other Aluminium Treatment Products

Treatment products for copper alloys

Fluxes for cleaning, covering and element removal

ELEKTRO 1743/2 is a universal covering and cleaning agent for all copper alloys. We also offer fluxes for the different types of copper alloys. 

ELIMINALU 8 is a highly oxidising agent for cleaning and removing aluminium contamination from copper alloys. It is not suitable for aluminium bronzes and only to a certain extent for manganese or silicium bronzes.

Products for purging/degassing and homogenising copper melts

LOGAS 50 rings are used for plunging into copper and copper alloys to remove dissolved hydrogen and float out oxides.

Deoxidation tubes

DEOX TUBES are individual copper tubes containing a variety of reagents and are specially designed to remove dissolved oxygen formed during the melting process. Tubes are available for all types of copper-based alloys, thermal and electrical conductivity of the alloys are not affected.

Slag coagulants

SLAX 20 is a coagulant used for positive slag control on all copper alloys.


Treatment products for magnesium and zinc alloys

Cleaning and drossing fluxes for zinc alloys

ZINCREX is a range of cleaning and drossing fluxes available in powder and granular form.

Cleaning and covering fluxes for magnesium alloys

MAGREX 60 is a universal covering, cleaning and drossing flux for magnesium and magnesium alloys. It can also be used for remelting or recycling of magnesium scrap.

Grain refiners for magnesium alloys

NUCLEANT 5000 is universally applicable for magnesium and magnesium alloys. It is introduced into the melt in powder form releasing very fine graphite particles in the melt. They are instantly active as finely dispersed nuclei directly in the melt.
