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Challenges and Solutions for Casting Defects in Ductile Iron

By Christof Volks, European Product Manager for Feeding Systems

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A 3D rendered image of a modern FOSECO foundry equipment setup with control unit, pipes, and monitoring interface, highlighting automation in coatings

Consistency and Reproducibility with Automated Coating Preparation

By Christoph Genzler, European PM for Coatings

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Filter Print Optimisation for Horizontally Moulded Iron Castings

By Nick Child and Tony Midea

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An array of ceramic foam filters on a production line, ready for use in steel casting processes

The Fundamentals of Steel Filtration

By Nick Child and David Hrabina

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Efficient Oxide Removal with User-Friendly Fluxes

By Kerstin Berndt, European Product Manager for Non-Ferrous Metal Treatment

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Efficient Hydrogen Removal with Pumping Rotors

By Kerstin Berndt, European Product Manager for Non-Ferrous Metal Treatment

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Chemical Grain Refinement vs. Master Alloys

By Kerstin Berndt, European Product Manager for Non-Ferrous Metal Treatment

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Product range of FEEDEX, exothermic feeder-sleeves with different sizes and shapes offered by Foseco

The evolution of feeding systems

By Christof Volks, European Product Manager for Feeding Systems

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