Ester-setting silicates for moulds and cores

  • Applicable with standard equipment
  • High reactivity
  • High strength
  • Low viscosity
  • High reclaim rates
  • No emissions of hazardous compounds
Product range
  • CARSIL sodium silicate binders
  • CARSET ester hardener
  • VELOSET special ester for very rapid setting

CARSIL is a range of sodium silicate binders suitable for both moulds and cores which fulfill highest demands on reclamation, mixed sand bench-life and final strength properties.

CARSET hardeners are blends of organic esters formulated to give a wide range of setting speeds when used with sodium silicates, particularly the CARSIL series of silicates which incorporate a breakdown agent.

The VELOSET system is a sodium silicate binder system with special esters that enhances significantly the strength and reclamation rates of the bonded sands. It offers excellent breakdown characteristics.
