Infographic showcasing four interconnected pillars of corporate social responsibility

A better tomorrow

07 Feb 2023

Creating a better tomorrow for our planet, our customers, our people and our communities

From our very beginnings, Foseco’s core business has been to help our customers improve their operational performance. Our technology helps our customers improve their processes and their environmental footprint. The reliability and performance of our products are therefore critical to our customers, as they directly contribute to the safety of their employees on the shop floor, the quality of the products they manufacture, the efficiency of their processes and their environmental impact. 

More than 60 years ago in 1960 Foseco developed the FEEDEX exothermic sleeve that reduces the amount of metal needed in the foundry process and therefore improves yield and reduces energy consumption. Back in 1989 we introduced the ECOLOTEC process, which offers an ‘environment-friendly’ alternative core making process when compared to the conventional organic gas-cured systems available. A year later in 1990 the ‘Mobile Degassing Unit (MDU)’ process was invented. MDU degassing units are an automated metal treatment system for the environmentally-friendly degassing and cleaning of aluminium and copper alloys. For the introduction of the MDU we were honored with the Queens Environmental Achievement Award in 1993.

Today sustainability is one of the most pressing issues facing the world

Nowhere is this pressure likely to be felt more than in essential heavy industries, such as the global foundries sector. The world cannot live without the vital products made by foundrymen and women around the world. However, in consuming high amounts of energy and resources, as well as generating various pollutants and hazardous waste materials, the industry faces significant sustainability challenges.

Therefore, our focus is still on innovative solutions which deliver a number of environmental benefits, including reduced consumption of materials, less scrap and waste and improved metal yield and energy consumption, which, in turn, result in lower CO2 emissions. We recently launched SEMCO FF range of water-based coatings designed to reduce evolved formaldehyde emissions, these coatings support foundries’ compliance with the latest EU regulations.


With FEEDEX FEF, a unique fluoride emission free, low VOC highly exothermic, high strength feeder sleeve material has been developed. It is ideal for high pressure casting, to support greensand foundries committed to reducing environmental impact and costs as their need for high performance spot feeders continues to step up. FEEDEX FEF sleeves support the industry’s strong focus on reducing and eliminating harmful emissions and hazardous waste, being both fluoride emission free and lower in VOC than market alternatives. At the same time, it is proven to deliver the highest thermal and feed performance.


A final piece in the sustainability puzzle is the use of the latest digital technologies to improve foundry processes – an innovation dubbed Foundry 4.0. Digital solutions offer the ability to network, monitor and precisely control processes as never before. This results in foundries that are more efficient and productive, bringing both financial and environmental sustainability benefits.

For example, SMARTT is a process control software that drives the Foseco MTS 1500 degassing and melt treatment unit. The Intelligent Coating Unit (ICU), automates the process of measuring and controlling the dilution of refractory coatings to ensure the correct consistency is maintained and the optimum properties for application are maintained. The new FERROLAB V measuring system, meanwhile, provides advanced easy-to-use thermal analysis of liquid iron, resulting in consistent quality, less variation in casts, and ultimately a reduction in scrap rates.


The Sustainability Advantage

Sustainability is a defining theme of the modern industrial landscape, particularly in energy-intensive industries, such as ferrous and aluminium foundries. Although often associated with increased regulation and costs, a strong positive business case can be made for adopting more sustainable technologies and practices, particularly as they impact energy and resource consumption. In two new white papers, we discuss solutions currently available to aluminium and ferrous foundries, which underline the advantages that sustainable business choices can bring to financial, environmental and social performance indicators.

Download the white paper for iron and steel foundries

Download the white paper for aluminium foundries

Sustainability at our company

Alongside our customer focused approach, at a group level we have for many years worked to improve our own operations through a range of energy conservation programmes and environmental initiatives, safety and compliance activities and human resource plans, as well as supporting charitable and outreach activities in our communities.

2020 marked a new beginning in this journey. Vesuvius plc launched an initiative to incorporate all of these Environmental, Social and Governance programmes into a coordinated sustainability programme, developing a new governance structure to support our objectives and a new set of targets to direct our efforts. We also set an overarching objective to reach a net zero carbon footprint at the latest by 2050.

In October 2020, Vesuvius plc became signatories to the UN Global Compact, making a formal public commitment to support its principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to engage in activities which advance the development of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Our goal: to create a better tomorrow for our planet, our customers, our people and our communities

In Germany and Brazil for example all our plants have switched 100% to the use of green electricity, in South Africa a new burner system has been installed to cut CO2 emissions by up to 15%, which correlates to an annual emissions reduction of 13,000 tonnes of CO2. Our sites in Mexico and India have initiated great initiatives to support their local communities. A wealth of case studies can be found on our website.

In our first Sustainability Report, we outline the measures we are taking to move towards achieving our objectives. We explain how we manage our impact on society and the benefits of our work. Vesuvius Chief Executive Patrick Andre said: “Sustainability is very much at the heart of what we do. From our very beginnings, our core business has been to improve our customers’ operational performance. This delivers several environmental benefits, including reducing use of materials and generation of waste, improved metal yield and reduced CO2 emissions. As a company, we do not have a substantial environmental footprint. However, we do have a significant opportunity to help our steel and foundry customers drive improvements in their environmental performance. Our environmental objectives revolve around fighting climate change by reducing our own CO2 emissions and helping our customers reduce their own CO2 footprints. We have set ourselves the goal of reaching a net zero carbon footprint at the latest by 2050.”

Three questions to Alexander Laugier-Werth, Vice President Sustainability at Vesuvius

We live on a wonderful planet. But it is becoming increasingly clear that resources are limited. If we are to continue to live well, we cannot avoid changing our behaviour. The importance of sustainable development is becoming increasingly clear. Companies are therefore challenged to think of completely new approaches to make their contribution. Alexander Laugier-Werth, VP sustainability at Vesuvius, has given some thoughts on this.

There are increasing demands for CO2 reduction. How is Vesuvius responding to these demands? We are working on all fronts to combat climate change. Internally, we are improving the energy efficiency of our processes, and gradually migrating from fossil fuels to renewable energy. More importantly, we are helping our customers to improve the performance of their production processes, resulting in reduced energy consumption and COemissions. And we are preparing for the future by increasing the proportion of sustainable products in our portfolio of new developments.

Do sustainable products offer a competitive advantage? Absolutely! Our society‘s expectations in terms of sustainable development will continue to grow. Our customers, who by virtue of their business are major consumers of energy, want to meet the particularly complex challenge of reducing their emissions while controlling and improving their costs. We have a clear responsibility to assist them in doing so. The more our solutions help them, the better our business performance.

In addition to products for your customers: In which other areas does Vesuvius act sustainably? Our commitment to sustainability is very comprehensive. In addition to CO2 emissions, our environmental commitment is to significantly reduce waste of all kinds and to increase the proportion of recycled materials in our products. Our social commitment includes the health and well-being of our employees, diversity and inclusion, access to education and training, and improving the living conditions of the communities in which we operate.

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