Foseco win ecoProcess Award at GIFA 2023 for SEMCO water-based coatings

26 Jun 2023

Foseco has been awarded the ecoMetals ecoProcess Award at GIFA 2023. Recognising the company’s SEMCO range of water-based coatings, the award highlights solutions that save energy, materials, and resources in foundry operations. It was presented by show organisers, Messe Düsseldorf, at a ceremony on Thursday 15 June at the GIFA ecoMetals Forum.

“We are delighted to have been awarded the ecoProcess Award for our SEMCO range of water-based coatings,” said Karena Cancilleri, president of foundry technology at Foseco parent company, Vesuvius. “Here at Foseco, we are committed to reducing the environmental footprint of our customers’ operations. Our SEMCO coatings showcase how we are doing just that, enabling foundries to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental pollution in the mould shop.”

The new SEMCO coatings products includes a range of features that can be combined to offer the ultimate eco-friendly foundry coating technology:

  • SEMCO FD fast drying coatings are specifically formulated to reduce oven drying times by up to 50% and thereby cut energy consumption, carbon emissions and drying costs.
  • SEMCO CC coatings change colour on drying, allowing the operator to clearly see when moulds and cores are ready to use. This avoids over-drying with associated energy savings of up to 20% achieved in customer trials.
  • SEMCO FF formaldehyde-free coatings eliminate the use of formaldehyde as a biocide, reducing coating-related formaldehyde emissions into the foundry by a minimum of 90%. 

“Development of the new SEMCO range is a great example of us listening to the challenges faced by our customers and then innovating solutions to meet these needs,” said Christoph Genzler, European product manager for coatings, who received the ecoProcess Award on behalf of Foseco. The awards ceremony also featured a short presentation by Genzler on the benefits of the new coatings. “We are pleased to be able to bring these new products to a new audience and would like to thank the organisers of the show for the opportunity provided by this award and their ecoMetals campaign.”

SEMCO coatings are just one of 11 new sustainability-related products launched by Foseco since January 2022. All of these are showcased at the company’s stand at GIFA, where sustainability is one of the major themes. The stand itself has also been designed with sustainability in mind: it is paper free, its display tables are made from wooden pallets, and the fabric is made from recycled materials.

The stand also features on GIFA’s ecoMetals trail, which highlights exhibitors that invest in innovative, sustainable, and economically-competitive technologies. Featured Foseco products not only include the SEMCO range of coatings, but also the FEEDEX FEF range of feeder sleeves, which eliminate the use of water-leachable fluoride in sleeves production. Products on the trail are promoted and marked so that visitors can make a virtual path to a greener foundry industry.

“We are excited that our products have been recognised as part of the sustainable future for our industry,” concluded Cancilleri. “Our goal as a company is to create a better tomorrow for our planet, our customers, our people, and our communities. The products we have presented at GIFA 2023 are an important part of our progress in this area – but more is needed. We look forward to working with our customers and the wider industry to achieve even more over the next few years.”  


Press release "Foseco win ecoProcess Award at GIFA 2023 for SEMCO water-based coatings"

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